Need skilled hands?

Discover Our 'Porters Only' Option!

Are you Renovating| Redecorating| Downsizing| Moving| Home Staging| Event Organizing?

These activities often require moving heavy items or clearing out spaces, which can be physically demanding and time-consuming. The need for a safe, efficient way to handle these tasks is crucial, especially when you’re already dealing with the stress and complexities of a big change or event.

DIY can lead to a host of problems

The physical strain of lifting and moving heavy items can result in injuries, turning what should be an exciting time into a painful experience. Moreover, without the proper equipment and expertise, you risk damaging your valuable items or the property itself. This added stress and potential for harm can overshadow the positive aspects of your project or event, leaving you overwhelmed and anxious.

Our "Porters Only" service - your ideal solution

Recognizing these challenges, we offer a service tailored to your needs. Our trained porters, equipped with the necessary tools, are ready to handle the heavy lifting and clutter removal for you. Our belief in safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction drives us to provide a service that not only eases the physical burden but also brings peace of mind. With 1st Movers, you’re not just getting a helping hand; you’re ensuring a smooth, safe, and stress-free experience, whether you’re setting up for a big move, an important event, or simply making space in your home. Trust in our expertise and dedication to making your life easier, one heavy item at a time

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Why choose us!

Specialized Labor and Expertise

The "Porters Only" service provides clients with a team of skilled porters, each trained in the safe and efficient handling of items. This expertise is particularly valuable for tasks like heavy lifting and strategic placement of items, ensuring a high level of professionalism and care.

Flexibility and Convenience

This service offers unparalleled flexibility, catering to a variety of needs such as staging homes, organizing events, or managing renovations. The convenience of having trained porters on hand to manage the physically demanding aspects of these projects is a significant benefit for clients.

Safety and Risk Reduction

Safety is a priority with the "Porters Only" service. The risk of injury from lifting heavy items or moving bulky objects is transferred from the client to the capable hands of 1st Movers' porters. This service not only protects the client's health but also ensures the safety of their belongings.

Equipment and Tools Provided

1st Movers equips their porters with the necessary tools and equipment to handle a wide range of tasks. This provision means that clients don’t need to worry about renting or purchasing the right equipment for the job, adding to the convenience and efficiency of the service.

These strengths highlight 1st Movers’ commitment to providing a service that’s not just about moving items, but about offering a comprehensive solution that addresses the physical and logistical challenges of various personal and professional scenarios.


At 1st Movers, we aim to explain our break policy. Movers enjoy a 30-minute lunch break, not billed to you. Additionally, they take a 15-minute break every two hours, and this time is part of the moving hours charged to you.

Do 1st Movers Charge Customers for Movers’ Break Time?

At 1st Movers, we aim to explain our break policy. Movers enjoy a 30-minute lunch break, not billed to you. Additionally, they take a 15-minute break every two hours, and this time is part of the moving hours charged to you.

Do 1st Movers Charge Customers for Movers’ Break Time?

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